*Breakfast program is from 7:45am-8:15am daily
*Morning recess bell rings at 8:18am daily
*Instruction starts at 8:20am daily
*Morning recess bell rings at 8:18am daily
*Instruction starts at 8:20am daily
8:20 morning routine
8:25 specialists* 9:10 number corner 10:30 reading WIN** 11:00 lunch and recess 11:45 read aloud & cursive 12:00 math 1:00 community meeting 1:10 sci/SS/STEAM rotations 1:45 recess 2:00 math WIN** 2:30 writing 2:55 end of day cleanup 3:00 home |
8:20 morning routine
8:25 specialists* 9:10 Second Step 10:30 reading WIN** 11:00 lunch and recess 11:45 read aloud & cursive 12:00 math 1:00 community meeting 1:10 sci/SS/STEAM rotations 1:45 recess 2:00 math WIN** 2:30 writing 2:55 end of day cleanup 3:00 home |
8:20 morning routine
8:25 specialists* 9:10 recycling 10:30 reading WIN** 11:00 lunch and recess 11:45 read aloud & cursive 12:00 math 1:00 community meeting 1:10 sci/SS/STEAM rotations 1:45 recess 2:00 math WIN** 2:30 library 2:55 end of day cleanup 3:00 home |
8:20 morning routine
8:25 specialists* 9:10 number corner 10:30 reading WIN** 11:00 lunch and recess 11:45 read aloud & cursive 12:00 math 1:00 community meeting 1:10 sci/SS/STEAM rotations 1:45 recess 2:00 math WIN** 2:30 writing 2:55 end of day cleanup 3:00 home |
8:20 morning routine
8:25 specialists* 9:10 number corner 10:30 reading WIN** 11:00 lunch and recess 11:45 read aloud & cursive 12:00 math 1:00 Fun Friday 1:45 recess 2:00 end of day cleanup 2:15 home*** |
*Specialists: The kids will rotate to a specialist's class every day from 10:05-10:50. Specialist classes include Music, Movement, and P.E. Students should have PE shoes every day.
**WIN (What I Need) class is a time where students will have the chance for enrichment or targeted instruction in the areas where they most need it. There will be time for one-on-one and small group time with the teacher(s) during this time.
***Students are released from school at 2:15 on Fridays to allow teachers to collaborate during that time.
**WIN (What I Need) class is a time where students will have the chance for enrichment or targeted instruction in the areas where they most need it. There will be time for one-on-one and small group time with the teacher(s) during this time.
***Students are released from school at 2:15 on Fridays to allow teachers to collaborate during that time.